Ludwig Rhesa (1776-1840, see here Language > New Prussian > Texts, Prūsiska Chrestōmatija, pdf, p. 78-79) is in so far important for the Prussian Reconstructions, as having published a number of songs in his "Dainos" with melodies, not typical for Lithuanian and therefore possibly of Old Prussian origin.

In June 2004, when it was only planned to commemorate Ludwig Rhesa celebrating the 750th Anniversary of Königsberg / Kaliningrad, I was proposed by Klaipeda Political Public College (Klaipėdos politinė visuomenės kolegija), represented by Mr. Giedrius Petružis, to prepare a text for a project, which had to be sent to Lithuanian Republic Foundation for the Support of Culture and Sports (Lietuvos Respublikos kultūros ir sporto rėmimo fondas). Since I have already had a plan to find a grave of Rhesa for ca. 10 years before that, I formulated my ideas and sent them to Mr. Giedrius Petružis with no subsequent results.

In a year not this, but quite another project won and was realised: Rhesa's monument was opened in historic Amalienau, against former Catholic Church, to demonstrate traditional "friendship of nations" on the territory of former East Prussia. One should have in mind that Ludwig Rhesa was not Catholic and had nothing to do with Amalienau, nor was he ever "a cultural worker of Kaliningrad", as if uniting different cultures on the earth of Baltic Prussians.

For possibilities to identify place of the grave of Rhesa and to restore the tomb contact please Dr. Letas Palmaitis