Involvement in COST Action NexusLinguarum (CA18209)
The project researchers take part in the Action of the international network of researchers European network for Web-centered linguistic data science (NexusLinguarum), funded by COST (European cooperation in science and technology).
The Action aims to promote synergies across Europe between linguists, terminologists, computer scientists, and other stakeholders in industry and society, in order to investigate and extend the area of the linguistic data science. The main objective of the Action is construction of a holistic ecosystem of multilingual and semantically interoperable linguistic data by using data linking technologies, natural language processing tools and language resources (multilingual corpora, dictionaries, and terminology databases). This system will allow for a transparent information flow across linguistic data sources in multiple languages and usage of these data for a wide range of scientific and practical purposes.
DVITAS is included in the COST Action as the use case Cybersecurity (Terminology extraction) under the Work Group 4 Task Technology.
Participation in this network allows DVITAS researchers to get acquainted with Europe’s most innovative linguistic data mining and research practices and LLOD (linked linguistic open data) technologies which enable creating, sharing and reusing linked linguistic data within the global ecosystem.