SITTI projects
- 2025-(2028) VMU SITTI is implementing a collaborative project with Norwegian, Estonian and Swedish universities Linguistic Integration of Refugee Children and their Families (LINC). The project is financed by the NordForsk fund. Project manager: Olga Urek (Norway). Head of the partner part of the VMU SITTI project: Prof. Dr. I. Dabašinskienė.
- 2025-(2027) VMU SITTI is implementing the project “Immigrant schoolchildren and Lithuanian language: assessment, teaching, and success”. The project is financed by the Educational Development Programme Advancement Measures No. 12-003-03-06-01 “Teacher First”. Project manager: assoc. prof. Dr. L. Kamandulytė-Merfeldienė.
- 2024–(2026) VDU SITTI and IF, together with UAB Neurotechnology, UAB Tilde, and MB Krilas, is implementing the public procurement of R&D services within the European Union’s NextGenerationEU project, ‘Development of the General Lithuanian Language Corpus and Vectorized Lithuanian Language Models,’ carried out by the State Digital Solutions Agency (VSSA) (Contract No. VDU-S-1684). The VSSA project manager is A. Rakauskas, and the supplier group leader is Assoc. Prof. Dr. A. Utka.
- 2024-(2029) members of the CLARIN-LT consortium, VMU (coordinator), Vilnius University and Mykolas Romeris university, are implementing the “Membership Plan for participating in the International Research Infrastructure CLARIN ERIC (Common Language Resources and Technology Infrastructure)” (agrmt. no. VS-15). The project is financed by the Research Council of Lithuania. Project manager: Assoc. Dr. A. Utka.
- 2024–(2026) VMU SITTI, with Vilnius University (coordinator) and Lithuanian Language Institute, is implementing the NextGenerationEU project “Creating a Great Speech Corpus of the Lithuanian Language” (LIEPA-3) (No. 02-023-K-0001). The project is financed by the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) plan “New Generation Lithuania” and the State Budget of the Republic of Lithuania. Project manager: Dr. G. Navickas (VU). Head of the partner part of the VMU SITTI project: Prof. G. Raškinis.
- 2024–(2026) VMU SITTI implements the NextGenerationEU project “Morphologically and syntactically annotated text models for training (gold standards)” (No. 02-098-K-0001). The project is financed by the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) plan “New Generation Lithuania” and the State Budget of the Republic of Lithuania. Project manager: Assoc. Dr. E. Rimkutė.
- 2023-(2025) – Police department with the partner VMU (SITTI) is implementing the NextGenerationEU project “Digitization, Automation and Optimization of Processes and Services for Providing Information to Residents by the Police Using Artificial Intelligence Technologies (DI.POLIS)”, No. 02-085-P-0003. Project research manager Evaldas Visockas. Project manager of VMU part: Dr. D. Amilevičius.
- 2022-(2026) – participation in COST action OPINION (CA21129). Participants: Dr. D. Amilevičius and Assoc. Prof. Dr. A. Utka.
- 2023-2025 – SITTI implemented the NextGenerationEU project “Facilitating the involvement of citizens in the scientific campaigns of Vytautas Magnus University, creating a favorable ecosystem for the use of data collected by citizens in scientific research” (Vis.DuomUo). Project research manager Dr. S. Milčiuvienė. Participants: Dr. T. Berkmanas, Dr. D. Amilevičius, and Dr. V. Kavaliauskaitė-Vilkinienė.
- 2022 – participation in DIGIRES – Supporting Collaborative Partnerships for Digital Resilience and Capacity Building in the Times of Disinfodemic/COVID-19 (project manager A. Balčytienė). D. Amilevičius and A. Utka are responsible for developing methods and resources for neural nework training.
- 2022-(2026) – SITTI researchers are participating in COST action “Universality, diversity and idiosyncrasy in language technology (UniDive)” (CA21167). Participants: Dr. J. Kovalevskaitė, Assoc. Prof. Dr. E. Rimkutė, and Dr. L. Boizou.
- 2022-(2024) – participation in COST action “European network for Web-centred linguistic data science (NexusLinguarum)” (CA18209). Participants: Assoc. Prof. Dr. A. Utka.
- 2022 – VMU internal project. “Participation in international research conference – Human Language Technologies – The Baltic Perspective (BALTIC HLT 2022)”.
- 2021-(2024) – Horizon 2020 project “Transform 4 European Research and Innovation” (T4ERI
Projects implemented by CCL, TKIDTC, ISL
Projects by Centre of Computational Linguistics
- 2020-2022 Arbitrary Collocations of Lithuanian: Identification, Description and Usage (ARKA), The project is funded by the Research Council of Lithuania (No. S-LIP-20-18) under the State Lithuanian Studies and Dissemination Programme for 2016-2024. Website of the project – Project manager: E. Rimkutė.
- 2020-2022 Bilingual Automatic terminology extraction (DVITAS). Partners: VMU and MRU. Researcher group project funded by the Research Council of Lithuania (No. P-MIP-20-282). Website of the project – Project manager: A. Utka.
- 2017-2023 Lithuanian Academic Scheme for International Cooperation in Baltic Studies (No. 09.3.1-ESFA-V-709-01-0002). Funded by EU SF. VMU coordinators: J. Macijauskaitė-Bonda, L. Anglickienė. Website of the project –
- 2017-2020 The Development of the Public Electronic Services of the Lithuanian Language Syntactic and Semantic Analysis Information System (SEMANTIKA 2), funded by the European Regional Development Fund and the national budget (No. 02.3.1-CPVA-V-527-01-0002). Project manager: D. Amilevičius.
- 2016–2018 Automatic Identification of Lithuanian Multi-word Expressions (PASTOVU), The project was funded by the Research Council of Lithuania (grant No. LIP-027/2016) and is carried out by the Centre of Computational Linguistics at Vytautas Magnus University and the Baltic Institute of Advanced Technology cooperate. Project manager: E. Rimkutė. Website of the project –
- 2015-2016 Lithuania’s Membership in the International Research Infrastructure – CLARIN ERIC. The project was funded by the Ministry of Education and Science, and carried out by the Vytautas Magnus university, Vilnius University and Kaunas University of Technology . Project manager: A. Utka. Project website –
- 2014-2015 Automatic Authorship Attribution and Author Profiling for the Lithuanian Language (ASTRA), funded by the Research Council of Lithuania. Partners: VMU Informatics faculty, CCL, and Kaunas University of Technology University. Project manager: J. Kapočiūtė-Dzikienė. Website of the project.
Corpora for authorship attribution tasks:- AMZIUS_PROF.7z, apie_AMZIUS_PROF.pdf;
- LYTIS_PROF.7z, apie_LYTIS_PROF.pdf;
- 2012-2015 Syntactic and Semantic Analysis System of the Lithuanian Language for Corpus, Internet, and Public Sector (SEMANTIKA), implemented by VMU, KTU, and VU. Funded by European Regional Development Fund and the national budget (No. VP2-3.1-IVPK-12-K). Project manager: D. Amilevičius. Website of the project:
- 2011–2012 Lietuvos mokslo tarybos mokslininkų grupių projektas Foneminė lietuvių kalbos žodžių ir morfemų struktūra: jų tipai, distribucija, morfemų sankloda (nr. MIP-106/2011).
- 2010–2012 m. Semantic Engine for Information Management (SIVV) supported by EU Structural Funds within the programme of economic growth activities (the programme’s priority is INTELEKTAS LT) (No. VP2-1.3-ŪM-02-K-01-048).
- 2010–2012 Automatic Identification of Educational and Scientific Terminology (ŠIMTAI 2) supported by the Lithuanian Research Council’s Lithuanian studies research development programme (2009-2015) (No. LIT-2-44). Project manager: E. Rimkutė.
- 2011–2012 Development of Research Infrastructure for Education in the Humanities in Eastern Latvia and Lithuania (Kaunas) (HipiLatLit), funded by Cross-border Cooperation programme. Partners: Rezekne university, University of Latvia, and VMU. Website of the project Project manager: A. Briška. VMU coordinator: A. Utka.
- 2010–2011 The Derivation of Suffixed Verbs in Modern Lithuanian (part 1), funded by the Lithuanian Research Council’s Lithuanian studies research development programme (2009-2015). Project manager: J. Pakerys.
- 2010–2011 Morphemic Lithuanian Language Word Sstructure (Morfema). Researcher group project funded by the Research Council of Lithuania. Project manager: A. Kazlauskienė.
- 2010 Creation of Metadata System for Lithuanian Resources and Harmonization with CLARIN. Funded by National Research Programme “Nation and State”. Project manager: V. Fomin.
- 2009 Automatic Identification of Educational and Scientific Terminology (ŠIMTAI), funded by the Lithuanian Research Council’s Lithuanian studies research development programme (2009-2015).
- 2006–2009 ES FP6 programme project ReSIST (Resilience for Survivability in IST).
- 2007–2008 Internet resources: Annotated Corpus of the Lithuanian Language and Tools of Annotation (ALKA 2) sponsored by the Lithuanian State Science and Studies Foundation.
- 2005–2007 Web Information Translation Facility, which is financed according to the Lithuanian Single Programming Document for 2004-2006, 3rd priority, 3rd measure “Development of Information Technology Services and Infrastructure”.
- 2005–2006 Preservation of the Lithuanian Language under Conditions of Globalisation: Annotated Corpus of the Lithuanian Language (ALKA) funded by the Lithuanian State Science and Study Foundation according the programme “Priority Trends for Scientific Research and Experimental Development in Lithuania. Preservation of National Identity under Conditions of Globalization”.
- 2004–2005 Non-linear speech preparation, the COST project (European Cooperation in the field of Scientific and Technical Research, 277).
- 2005 The Accentuation of Lithuanian Language Texts in the Internet funded by Lithuanian State Science and Studies Foundation.
- 2000–2006 Automatic segmentation and transcription of the Lithuanian spoken language funded by the State Commission of the Lithuanian Language programme “Lithuanian language in the Informational Society in 2000-2006”.
- 2000–2006 Parallel Lithuanian Corpus funded by the State Commission of the Lithuanian Language programme “Lithuanian language in informational society 2000-2006”.
- 1998–2005 “Continuing Lithuanian Corpus preparation” funded by the State Commission of the Lithuanian Language programme of Lithuania Republic national language usage and development for the 1996-2005 year; according to the 1.15 subsection of programme, 1.2 programme “National language standardization. Society education”.
- 2002–2003 “Traditional songs rythm recognition methods and research” funded by Lithuanian State Science and Studies Foundation.
- 1998–1999 ELAN (European Language Activity Network), funded by European Commission (MLIS programme).
- 1998–2001 TELRI II (Trans-European Language Resources Infrastructure), funded by the European Commission (COPERNICUS programme).
- 1995–1997 TELRI (Trans-European Language Resources Infrastructure), funded by the European Commission (COPERNICUS programme).
- 1994 ECI (European Corpus Initiative).
Projects implemented by Intercultural Communication and Multilingualism Research Centre
- 2009–2011 – FREPY – Friendly Resources for Playful Therapy, reg. nr. 503551-LLP-1-2009-1-Lt-Comenius-CMP. Coordinated by VMU. Project manager: I. Dabašinskienė.
Partnership projects:
- 1994–2012 – Pre-and Protomorphology in Language Acquisition – koordinuoja Austrijos mokslų akademija. Development of the Corpus of Spoken Lithuanian. Funded by VMSF. Project manager: Ineta Dabašinskienė prof. W. U. Dressler.
- 2014-2018 – COST IS1401 – Strengthening Europeans’ capabilities by establishing the European literacy network. Coordinated by Port University. Project manager: Prof. Rui A. Alves.
- 2012-2017 – COST IS1208 – Collaboration of Aphasia Trialists (CATs), EK. Coordinated by Glasgow University. Project manager: Prof. M. Brady.
- 2008–2012 – COST IS0804 – Language Impairment in a Multilingual Society: Linguistic Patterns and the Road to Assessment. Coordianted by Israel Bar-Ilan University. Project manager: dr. Sh. Armon-Lotem.
- 2006–2010 – COST A33 – Cross-linguistically robust stages of children’s linguistic performance. Coordinated by Berlin Centre for General Linguistics (ZAS). Project manager: dr. U. Sauerland.
- 2007–2009 – CLAD – Crosslinguistic Language Diagnosis. Coordinated by London University College. Project manager: prof. H. J. K. Vas der Lely.
- MOLAN – Network for the exchange of information about good practices that serve to motivate language learners. Coordinated by Freie Universität Berlin. Project manager: W. Mackiewicz.
- 2007 Be multilingual! – Raising motivation of foreign language learners by implementing modern ways of learning in the tourist sector. Coordinated by Volkshochschule im Landkreis Cham e.V. Project manager: K. Doerr.
- 2008-2010 – Hook up! – CE Language Learning Gateway. Coordinated by Campus Europea. Project manager:M. Gonzalez.
- 2018–2020 – The symptoms of primary language impairment at preschool and pre-primary school age: Spontaneous and elicited speech analysis and experimental studies. Funded by the Research Council of Lithuania under the State Lithuanian Studies and Dissemination
- 2016–2018 – Contemporary spoken Lithuanian: A corpus-based analysis of grammar and lexis. Funded by the Research Council of Lithuania under the State Lithuanian Studies and Dissemination Programme for 2016-2024. Project manager: Laura Kamandulytė-Merfeldienė.
- 2016–2017 – Atypical Language Acquisition: Twin Language Development. Funded by the Research Council of Lithuania under the State Lithuanian Studies and Dissemination Programme for 2016-2024. Project manager: Ingrida Balčiūnienė.
- 2015 – Syntactic features of spoken Lithuanian. Funded by the Lithuanian Research Council’s Lithuanian studies research development programme (2009-2015). Project manager: Laura Kamandulytė-Merfeldienė.
- 2012–2013 – Corpus compilation of long-term monitoring of Lithuanian children’s language. Funded by the Lithuanian Research Council’s Lithuanian studies research development programme (2009-2015). Project manager: Ingrida Balčiūnienė.
- 2009–2011 – The language of Lithuanian children: influences and trends. Funded by the Research Council of Lithuania. Project manager: Ineta Dabašinskienė.
- 2009 – Lexical and grammatical features of spoken Lithuanian: corpus analysis. Funded by VMSF. Project manager: Ineta Dabašinskienė.
- 2009 – COST IS0804 – Language Impairment in a Multilingual Society: Linguistic Patterns and the Road to Assessment. Funded by International Development Association. Project manager: Ineta Dabašinskienė.
- 2006–2009 COST A33 – COST A33 – Crosslinguistically Robust Stages of Children’s Linguistic Performance. Funded by International Development Association. Project manager: Ineta Dabašinskienė.
- 2007–2008 – Development of the Corpus of Spoken Lithuanian. Funded by VMSF. Project manager: Ineta Dabašinskienė.
- 2006 – The corpus of spoken Lithuanian: digitisation and grammatical annotation. Funded by VMSF. Project manager: Ineta Dabašinskienė.
Partnership projects:
- 2017–2023Lithuanian Academic Scheme for International Cooperation in Baltic Studies. Funded by EU SF. Coordinator: Vilnius University. Project manager: Gina Kavaliūnaitė.
- 2010–2013 – Lithuanian cities and towns: Linguistic map of Lithuania. Coordinator: Vilnius University. Project manager: Meilutė Ramonienė. Funded by the Research Council of Lithuania.
- 2007–2009 – Language use and national identity in Lithuanian cities. Coordinator: Vilnius University. Project manager: Meilutė Ramonienė. Funded by VMSF.
IF Intelectual Systems Labaraotry Projecs
- 2021-2022 m. „Dirbtinio intelekto ir giliojo mokymosi technologijomis grįsto virtualaus mokytojo groti muzikos instrumentais technologijos komercinimas (MUZIKA)“ Nr. 01.2.2-MITA-K-702-11-0011. Finansuotas iš Europos regioninės plėtros fondo (ERPF) lėšų pagal 2014–2020 metų Europos Sąjungos fondų investicijų veiksmų programos 1 prioriteto „Mokslinių tyrimų, eksperimentinės plėtros ir inovacijų skatinimas“ 01.2.2-MITA-K-702 priemonę „MTEP rezultatų komercinimo ir tarptautiškumo skatinimas“. Vykdytojas – UAB Intelektika. Partneris – VDU IF Intelektalių sistemų laboratorija.
- 2020-2021 m. „Dirbtinio intelekto ir giliojo mokymosi technologijomis grįstų kalbos technologijų MTEP rezultatų komercinimas (ASTRA)“ Nr. 01.2.2-MITA-K-702-09-0043, finansuotas pagal 01.2.2-MITA-K-702 priemonę „MTEP rezultatų komercinimo ir tarptautiškumo skatinimas“. Partneris – UAB „Intelektika“.
- 2017-2020 The Development of the Public Electronic Services of the Lithuanian Language Syntactic and Semantic Analysis Information System (SEMANTIKA 2), funded by the European Regional Development Fund and the national budget (No. 02.3.1-CPVA-V-527-01-0002). Project manager: D. Amilevičius.